techniques diverses

Institut de la vision Paris

techniques diverses

Avec le soutien des Fondations Edmond de Rothschild Paris

Institut de la Vision Paris avec le soutien des Fondations Edmond de Rothschild
Anne-Aimée Francès, Attachée de Direction, Fondations Edmond de Rothschild

Lydie Calloud a pu créer, grâce au soutien des Fondations Edmond de Rothschild, une belle exposition originale, fruit d’une collaboration de près d’une année avec des chercheurs de l’Inserm et le directeur de l’Institut de la Vision, José Sahel. Son exposition s’intéresse au fonctionnement de la rétine et aux différentes interprétations possibles des images reçues par le cerveau.

Text by Monique Bollon-Mourier, anthropologist, September 2020

 Lydie Calloud is an artist whose originality lies in a singular intellectual approach, through her involvement in research on visual memory. A researcher, she is indeed a researcher in an elaborate, remarkable and lengthy-term work which has led her to these graphite drawings paper 30 x H25 cm printed in charcoal ink in formats 178 x 108 cm… Photography is the basis of her research. Thanks to the choice of shots and mass media images that she diverts during stage productions, photography will show what the uninformed eye leaves aside or rejects: a selection of objects with uncertain identities in a haemorrhagic media flow… another world perhaps on which her eye will focus. Her thought will try to understand its essence. This overabundance of images, which many leave aside, acts for her as a motor of exploration, allowing unexpected discoveries.

acier découpé et verre thermoformé


Piazzola sul Brenta Italie

Biennale de sculpture